Can money buy you happiness?

Cash Out!

In today's society, for the younger generation, teenagers in specific, money is hard to save and manage. Although it may not stand to be true that money can easily be saved by simply putting away a few dollars in the bank or budgeting, materialistic items can lead to several money diffenciencies. What could possibly be the reason for this dilemma? In simpler terms mismannaging has deemed to be the most frequent answer according to an observation completed by myself and a few relatives of mine. get even more technical, shoes, clothes, jewerly, and a means of fitting in had seemed to subconciously exploit itself to me and the world.

In another perspective, colleges and the cost of living have proved to be the main reason anyone has a budgeting problem in today's America.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


*Managing money
*Spending money
*Earning money
*Legit money
*Bad money

Managing Money

Managing money is not as hard as it seems. It is actually a learned skill, similar to those such as writing, reading and several other studies learned in school.

Secondly, people in general must get out of thier minds that managing money is out of their control. Bills, neccessaties and many other factors only seem to overwhelm the mind. When infact, managing and saving is only self discipline.

Last but not least you should understand that managing your money and knowing your proper limits will lead to a stress free life. Not only will you feel that it is ok for you to spend a little bit here and there, you will feel safe knowing that you have a little money saved for unexpected times. These are only general tips on how to manage your money in a more affective and confident manner.

Spending Money!

There is nothing wrong with spending money. The problem is what you spend it on. There will always be things that you want, in which I agree there is no problem, but sometimes you have to discipline your self. Half the time we buy things that are irrelevant or things that we seem to already have, rather it is something similar or just in the same category. Money does not have to be spent because you have it. As a matter of fact try leaving a nice lump some of money at home when you go out. Its called BUDGETING!

HelPfuL Tip:

My secret into being able to save extra money is by simply knowing your payments of anykind a decent time before it has to be paid. Save your money up to that point as well as budgeting. You'll find that in the longer stretch you'll always have money to spend. You will also notice a change in your spending habbits. Managing money will seem to come natural to you.